Yungshin Construction & Development : The Company’s Board of Directors resolved to issue ordinary corporate bonds



SEQ_NO 4 Date of announcement 2022/02/25 Time of announcement 15:48:11
 The Company's Board of Directors resolved to
issue ordinary corporate bonds
Date of events 2022/02/25 To which item it meets paragraph 11
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2022/02/25
2.Name [issue no.__ of (secured, unsecured) corporate
bonds of ___________ (company)]:Ordinary corporate bonds of
Yung-Shin Construction & Development Co., Ltd
3.Whether to adopt shelf registration(Yes/No):No
4.Total amount issued:No more than NT$ 1 billion in principle;
May be issued at once or in tranches depending
5.Face value per bond:NT$ 1 million
6.Issuance period:At par value
7.Issuance period:Less than 5 years and the Chairman is authorized to decide
8.Coupon rate:To be decided based on the corporate bond market
conditions and the Chairman is authorized to decide
9.Types, names, monetary values and stipulations of collaterals:N/A
10.Use of the funds raised by the offering and utilization plan:
To repay bank loans and increase working capital.
11.Underwriting method:The Chairman is authorized to decide
12.Trustees of the corporate bonds:The Chairman is authorized to decide
13.Underwriter or agent:The Chairman is authorized to decide
14.Guarantor(s) for the issuance:The Chairman is authorized to decide
15.Agent for payment of the principal and interest:
The Chairman is authorized to decide
16.Certifying institution:N/A
17.Where convertible into shares, the price and the rules for conversion:N/A
18.Sell-back conditions:The Chairman is authorized to decide
19.Buyback conditions:The Chairman is authorized to decide
20.Reference date for any additional share exchange,
stock swap, or subscription:N/A
21.Possible dilution of equity in case of any additional
 share exchange, stock swap, or subscription:N/A
22.Any other matters that need to be specified:
Related rules will be formulated in accordance with
related laws or regulations, and announced upon
receiving approval from the competent authority.


Yungshin Construction & Development Co. Ltd. published this content on 25 February 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 25 February 2022 08:01:08 UTC.

Publicnow 2022


Sales 2020 3 086 M
110 M
110 M
Net income 2020 808 M
28,7 M
28,7 M
Net Debt 2020 5 396 M
192 M
192 M
P/E ratio 2020 11,8x
Yield 2020 7,64%
Capitalization 15 394 M
547 M
547 M
EV / Sales 2019 5,03x
EV / Sales 2020 4,83x
Nbr of Employees 46
Free-Float 24,4%


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