Brewery planned in Des Moines is shelved

A drawing of a proposed Sherman Hill restaurant.

Des Moines City Council this year approved a plan for this building at 740 18th St. to be converted into a restaurant and brewery. Rendering courtesy of Shyft Collective via the city of Des Moines

A brewery and restaurant planned as part of renovations to a century-old Sherman Hill neighborhood apartment complex has been scrapped, developer Danny Heggen tells Axios.

Catch up quick: The five-story Concord apartment is being renovated as part of a $1.5 million project that will be completed early next year.

  • A separate plan to convert the first floor of its adjacent garage and office building into a brewery were approved by Des Moines’ city council earlier this year.

State of play: The space will instead be converted into offices, Heggen, a director of the real estate development firm DEV Partners, said.

  • The decision was made considering the needs of the company and its associates at Shyft, a real estate design and construction company. Opposition from a few residents did not play a role in the decision, he said.

Of note: Two breweries are already located within a half-mile of the Concord — Lua and Big Grove.

What’s next: The office space renovations will cost around $1 million and begin after the apartment project is completed, Heggen said.

A photo of the Concord apartments in Des Moines.
Renovations to the Concord apartments, 732 18th St in DSM, began last year. The adjacent building on the right will become offices instead of a brewery under a revised redevelopment plan. Photo: Jason Clayworth/Axios


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