We present herewith an illustration of the Holland Mammoth Playpipe, | an exhibition of which was given in this city, on Tuesday last. On one of our advertising pages will be found illustrations of a small Holland Pipe, designed for ordinary use. The advantages claimed for it are that, from the peculiar nature of its construction, the Pipeman is enabled to turn the stream in any direction without “lighting up” on the line of hose, or getting bends in it. The small pipe has been used with great satisfaction in several New England cities, the Chiefs of which have certified to its advantages, especially for work inside a burning building, or for work from a ladder.
The Mammoth Pipe above illustrated is the outgrowth of the small pipe, being constructed on precisely the same principle, but -on a much larger scale. From a glance at the cut it would naturally be thought that it is constructed on wrong principles entirely, for at the base of the pipe there is an obstruction placed in the water way—being the ’doublejoint on which the pipe works —and the stream is divided at that point, to unite again after passing the joint. Theoretically regarded, this would seem to be an insuperable objection to the Holland Pipe, but practical use demonstrates that theory is wrong, at least, in this instance. In competitive tests with plain service playpipes, the small Holland Playpipes have held their own in distance throwing, and have the additional advantage of being doublejointed, so that the direction of the stream can be changed with little effort. The Mammoth Pipe is mounted on a light carriage, drawn by one horse, and as it weighs but little, can be readily transported through the streets. On each side and at the rear are Siamese connections, having clapper valves, so that one line of hose or ten lines may be attached at will. There arc three openings on each side, and four at the rear. From these the water passes into a chamber or reservoir, and thence into the Pipe. By means of the small wheels at the base of the Pipe it can be elevated to any angle, raised or depressed, and revolved in any direction ; it can throw a stream downward at a sharp angle, and from that depression elevated to a perpendicular position. By means of the smaller wheel placed above the others, the outlet at the nozzle can be changed so as to deliver four different size streams, from 1 % inches to 2yi, without shutting off the water or stopping the engine. This is done by means of a disc in which openings of different sizes are cut. Ibis disc may be understood from the accompanying diagram.
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